H3 Partners In Business Programme

Connecting hydrogen initiatives in Saudi Arabia, Oman and the UAE

To the Netherlands

Developing and supporting bilateral collaborations

The Holland Hydrogen Hub Partners in Business Hydrogen Gulf Region Project  "scaling up clean hydrogen together"

On November 30th the "The Hydrogen the Netherlands – Gulf Region" Partners in Business Programme was launched. The PIB Hydrogen is a 3-year cooperation programme between the Dutch government and the private sector from the Netherlands.

Holland Hydrogen Hub has been appointed by the Dutch Government as the coordinator for this programme. The programme has over 35 cluster partners from the private sector whom we will support in their strategy to

scale-up the clean hydrogen value chain between Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and the Netherlands.

Besides supporting our partners we also connect companies and governments involved with Hydrogen related initiatives in Oman, the UAE and Saudi Arabia to our members and as such scale op the production, transportation and use of clean hydrogen (and related fuels) together.

Our Holland Hydrogen Hub PIB Partners

We are proud to have over 35 partners who participate in the Holland Hydrogen Hub Partners in International Business Programme.

Please click on the download button below to download the brochure which describes our mission as well as the value propositions of our partners.


Annemieke Broesterhuizen of the Dutch Enterprise Agency RVO  "Just recently we signed a public private partnership on Hydrogen in the Gulf Region. This partnership fully aligns with the longterm Nexus (water, energy, food) strategy for the Gulf Region and is the largest partnership so far!
The cluster comprises 30 companies and collaboration partners together representing the whole hydrogen value chain."

Launch of Hydrogen the Netherlands - Gulf Region PIB Programme
and Keynote speach of the Mayor of Rotterdam during COP 28

Energy Majlis and Oman Green Hydrogen Summit 13th and 14th December in Muscat

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